I don't want to do this

Om någon gav mig tre önskningar nu så vet jag precis vad jag skulle önska.
Min tredje önskan skulle iaf bli att kunna förflytta sig genom att knäppa med fingrarna eller något sånt, ni vet som dom alltid gör på film?
Iaf skulle jag knäppa med fingrarna och hamna på årets comic con.

Dom snygga jävlarna ser ut att ha det bra på presskonferansen iaf x)

Men Kristen ska inte ha sitt Joan Jett hår.
Hoppas dom fixar till det på ett bra sätt tills i augusti då hon behöver vara brunett och långhårig igen.

Jag vill se scenerna dom sagt att dom ska visa upp på Comic con, men antar att dom hamnar på internet snart.

En intervju med Chris W finns uppe och han pratar om lite allt möjligt. Bla. Volturi och "I'm only 18!"-"And I'm almost 110 years old." scene.
För er som inte läst boken så är det scenen när Edward för första gången föreslår ett bröllop.
Talking about the proposal scene at the end of the book. Fans are worried that that might have been altered or cut out for the film. Can you address those concerns?
CW: It hasn't been cut out, I can tell you that much. It's not going to hit them in exactly the way they think it's going to, but I will say that, I gotta put it: It's gonna be quite special. I kind of saved all of my gusto for that moment. I don't think it'll disappoint.

The Volturi. Can you talk about your vision for this new group of characters?
CW: No matter how strange one of the characters is in a work of fantasy, I think you kind of have to approach them as people, and so you start to think, well, they've been around for 2,000 years. How would they live? How would they interact with one another? The conclusion really was that after 2,000 years, you would probably be more than mildly insane, no matter how cultured or gracious you appear on the surface.
I think that's what Michael Sheen really managed to convey in portraying Aro, the head of the Volturi, which is that on the surface, he's terribly gracious, warm, a wonderful host, and yet at the same time he's absolutely lethal and frightening, and it's also kind of what Dakota Fanning kind of conveys as Jane. She's this, in appearance, very innocent-looking, harmless-looking almost kind of a teenager, but she's absolutely deadly.

På samma hemsida finns intervjuer med en varulv och tre vampyrer.
Are you using your martial arts expertise?
TL: No. it helps with the agility, yes. But it's not like Jacob comes out and kung-fu's the vampires.
What about the wig?
TL: The long hair is definitely a wig. I just wrapped with the wig a few days ago. That was amazing. The whole crew gave an applause. I was so happy.
Are you going to keep it?
TL: They were like, "So do you want to keep it?" and I was like, "If you give it to me I'll probably burn it."
If you could give Jacob, or Jacob as a werewolf, one more power, what would it be?
TL: Oh, boy, that's a tough question. Probably, man ... I want to steal one of Edward's powers because I like it, but then I feel like I'm betraying Jacob if I say that.
Which one of Edward's powers would you take? 
TL: Well, I don't want to sparkle. He can read minds though, right? ... I'd kind of like to read Bella's, like Edward can.

Men Taylor, jag trodde du var påläst?

In Stephenie Meyer's book, Demetri is described as polite ...
CB: Very polite, yeah. And I'm just a nice English guy. I've had my trouble, and it's gone. I'm just a nice guy who doesn't want any trouble. [Laughs] I think Demetri is someone who ... seeks out trouble and adventure. He's getting very bored, having been alive for thousands of years. I think he's interested in trouble -- nonspecific -- or adventure -- nonspecific -- or any kind of action. I think being a vampire, or being alive for 3000 years, just makes you very bored. Look at Marcus' character; he's very apathetic, and he just sat there ... he just wants to die.
Do you actually know Demetri's backstory, based on what's in the book?
I made it up
Tell us!
CB: Demetri was obviously Italian. And at a young age, he was orphaned. He was living in the foothills of Mt. Vesuvius -- the big, volcanic mountain -- and in 900 A.D., it erupts. Lava starts pouring down, and his parents get caught in it. Their house gets taken apart. I outrun the lava, into the foothills, where I found a place where I was safe, essentially. But I couldn't provide for myself, so I was thrown into slavery. I went through various masters but they couldn't pin me down, because I was so nonchalant and arrogant and just ran away from everyone; it was really frustrating. I kept getting sold on to the next guy -- the next master, for the best price they could get -- and I was too nice for someone just to kill me.
So eventually I got sold to a merchant trader in Rome, who dealt specifically in fighters, and I found myself in front of the Coliseum with these baying, bloodthirsty Romans, desperate for gladiatorial combat. I didn't have any fighting skills, so I just ran around for three hours and no one could catch me -- until somebody shot me with an arrow. I was lying on the floor, I was about to die, I was waiting for Commodus' verdict of thumbs up or thumbs down, and he's about to give it a down when Aro comes in and whispers in his ear and says, "Don't kill him, I'll take him." Aro converts me in the depths of the Coliseum himself, and I've been working loyally for him ever since.

Fantasi är alltid bra att ha x)

What power would you give Demetri if you could give him another power?
CB: That's a good question. [Pauses to think] I think he's a little bit pissed off that Jane has taken over the head of the Volturi; he hates that. Ergo, I think he would take a psychological power ...
2:15PM Charlie has to go back to set, but he promises me that he'll figure out the power he'd give Demetri and report back when he decides.
2:30PM Mr. Bewley motions me over as we watch filming. Seems he really has been pondering the question. Love it.
In an English-accented whisper, Charlie reveals that he'd give Demetri: "the power to change people's minds."
"For example," he says, "in the scene where Demetri is first introduced to the fray, Edward refuses to come with Bella. He says, "Bella, you go off and enjoy the festival. I'll go with Demetri and Felix." If Demetri had the power to switch Edward's mind and change his mind, he wouldn't need Jane to come in and clear up the air, how slow they're being. Jane's brutally efficient because she's so dangerous. This is why she's head guard, and I hate that, as Demetri, because I used to be God. So that's what I'd do."

How close do you come to Bella?
I don't know that I'm going to say. [Laughs] Let's just put it this way -- she lives -- so not close enough.

Men om ni vill läsa själva finns det på http://www.hollywood.com/feature/New_Moon/5670239 för nu ska jag kolla på NCIS så har inte tid att skriva mer, eller läsa mer.


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