This is my place in the world
Och här är några av dom bästa "citaten" ur den x)
Shot 8: Here's the moment we've all been waiting for: the birthday scene! Alice (Ashley Greene) leads Bella down the stairs of the Cullen home, exclaiming, "It's time! It's time!" Wow, Dr. Cullen must be bringing in some serious doctor cash to afford all those candles!
Shot 14: The klutzy Bella throws down her gift, raises her finger and utters three words you do not want to say around vampires: "Ow, paper cut."
Shot 22: Bella looks on at an anguished Edward. "This is the last time you'll ever see me," he says. Take a look at RPattz's face - damn, that's some acting!
Shot 25: Edi Gathegi in the house! "How much could you mean to him if he left you here?" the vampire Laurent asks, his red eyes ablaze much more effectively than how we saw the vamps in the last movie. "Unprotected." Remember how Laurent was all conflicted and happy to help the Cullens in the first film? Yeah, he ain't doing that anymore.
Shot 26: As Bella stands in a clearing, Laurent circles her like a dog eyeballing a chew toy. "But I can't help myself. You are so ... mouth-watering!" I can already imagine that catchphrase on a million T-shirts.Shot 28: Whoa, what's Fabio doing in this movie? No, wait - it's none other than Taylor Lautner, the little Jacob from the first film showing off his newly acquired 30 pounds of muscle.
Shot 29: The newly jacked Jacob springs into action as Laurent raises his hands to Bella. Note that although Bella is in danger, it appears as though Jacob took the time to put his shirt back on before coming to her rescue. Maybe he burns easily, and the sun is a bit strong.
Shot 32: As Jacob lets out a ferocious roar, the title card washes across the screen: "The Twilight Saga: New Moon." You may now proceed with your "OME" shrieks.
Kan det inte vara 1 november idag, istället för 1 juni?
Visst, det är härligt med sol, och bad, och nyklippt gräs och sommar, men jag vill se filmen!
På Stephenie Meyers hemsida står det typ att man inte har sett nånting alls av filmen än.
Och det har vi ju egentligen inte.
Jag menar, vart är den argsinte snyggingen Paul i den här trailern?
Eller Italien?
Volturi? Dom spelade ju faktiskt in Volturi-scener i Vancouver, använd er av dom!
Mer Edward?
Aja, nu är jag hungrig och kan inte vänta till nästa Ghost Whisperer avsnitt är nere.
Jag grät seriöst till slutet på avsnitt 6.
Han kan ju inte bara dö sådär?
Man har gått och väntat i fyra säsonger på att som ska få barn, och nu i fjärde säsongen känner hon sig äntligen redo.
Och så dör han ._.