Veckans citat
Idag har jag inte gjort mycket mer än att sitta i soffan och haft ett litet OTH maraton med mig själv.
Har kollat på kanske 8 avsnitt allt som allt.
Och jag har kommit på en sak.
Enda serien jag egentligen gråter till varenda gång jag ser ett speciellt avsnitt är One tree hill.
Det finns serier som jag gråter till, visst, men bara första gången.
Jag kan se ett one tree hill avsnitt tre gånger och gråta varje gång.
Så därför har tårarna runnit typ 4 gånger idag xD
Och fan vad jag önskar att Mark Schwan kunde skriva An undkindness of Ravens och publicera den.
Men eftersom jag bara kollat på One tree hill idag så blir självklart Veckans citat bara citat från dom avsnitt jag sett idag.
Lucas - Mom. I know that you're hurting now more than ever and I don't want to make that worse but I need to tell you something. I lied to you about my heart condition. I have HCM. I need you. I need you now more than ever.
Bevin (to Skills) - Okay big news, but keep it on the BLT. Brooke -- broke up -- with Lucas!
Lucas - Thanks Bevin.
Nathan - You know I thought it was a miracle that I survived that accident. And, I guess I never really felt worthy of it. But, now I know that miracle wasn’t for me. It was for us. All three of us.
Nathan - When I fell to the floor tonight, I was so scared, I was so terrified. Then I saw you, and I promised myself that if I could just get up, I'd walk over to you... I'd tell you how much I need you and how much I want you... and how nothing else matters.
Peyton - I’m just a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a bitch
Brooke - You know when i was a freshman i wasn't a very good person, I mean sure i was popular and dated seniors....but as a person i was pretty lost. And over the last 4 years i've been forced to grow up. I stopped letting boys define me and i started believing in myself and in my potential and i ran for student counsel president and i designed a clothing line and somewhere along the way, the lost little party girl became the girl on the wall of honour. I know what i did was wrong Mr.Turner i know, but the girl i was when i came to this school, i'm not so sure she would've. And isn't that the point of highschool? I mean isnt that what you've been trying to teach us for the last 4 years?
Peyton - First of all, you don't know me. Second of all, you don't know me. God, why are guys suck jerks?
Sam - I'm going to excuse myself from this Brooke/Peyton lesbian love hug, or what ever...
Har kollat på kanske 8 avsnitt allt som allt.
Och jag har kommit på en sak.
Enda serien jag egentligen gråter till varenda gång jag ser ett speciellt avsnitt är One tree hill.
Det finns serier som jag gråter till, visst, men bara första gången.
Jag kan se ett one tree hill avsnitt tre gånger och gråta varje gång.
Så därför har tårarna runnit typ 4 gånger idag xD
Och fan vad jag önskar att Mark Schwan kunde skriva An undkindness of Ravens och publicera den.
Men eftersom jag bara kollat på One tree hill idag så blir självklart Veckans citat bara citat från dom avsnitt jag sett idag.
Lucas - Mom. I know that you're hurting now more than ever and I don't want to make that worse but I need to tell you something. I lied to you about my heart condition. I have HCM. I need you. I need you now more than ever.
Bevin (to Skills) - Okay big news, but keep it on the BLT. Brooke -- broke up -- with Lucas!
Lucas - Thanks Bevin.
Nathan - You know I thought it was a miracle that I survived that accident. And, I guess I never really felt worthy of it. But, now I know that miracle wasn’t for me. It was for us. All three of us.
Nathan - When I fell to the floor tonight, I was so scared, I was so terrified. Then I saw you, and I promised myself that if I could just get up, I'd walk over to you... I'd tell you how much I need you and how much I want you... and how nothing else matters.
Peyton - I’m just a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a bitch
Brooke - You know when i was a freshman i wasn't a very good person, I mean sure i was popular and dated seniors....but as a person i was pretty lost. And over the last 4 years i've been forced to grow up. I stopped letting boys define me and i started believing in myself and in my potential and i ran for student counsel president and i designed a clothing line and somewhere along the way, the lost little party girl became the girl on the wall of honour. I know what i did was wrong Mr.Turner i know, but the girl i was when i came to this school, i'm not so sure she would've. And isn't that the point of highschool? I mean isnt that what you've been trying to teach us for the last 4 years?
Peyton - First of all, you don't know me. Second of all, you don't know me. God, why are guys suck jerks?
Sam - I'm going to excuse myself from this Brooke/Peyton lesbian love hug, or what ever...