What's your point?

Nu känns det som om jag bara skrivit om the host på sistonde, så det här blir sista gången. Iaf den här veckan, för slänger antagligen in något citat nästa vecka.
Jag kunde inte hålla mig, och började faktiskt läsa idag.
Men nu ska jag ge mig, och koncentrera mig på historian. Men ibland behöver man en paus, och jag vet vad jag ska koncentrera mig på då.
Och jag är bara på sidan 22 just nu, vilket innebär att det är... 542 sidor kvar till min favoritsida ._.
Tills Ian och Wanda säger att dom älskar varandra.
Tills min favoritreplik från Ian.
You. Are. Not. Leaving. Me.

Och så älskar jag delen då Wanda har 'tappat bort' Mel, så hon ber Ian hjälpa henne, att kyssa henne eftersom Mel hade reagerat så starkt sist.
Men Mel reagerar inte på det, vilket jag hatar eftersom det är en perfekt Ian/Wanda kyss, även om den inte är 'på riktigt', så Ian hämtar Jared.
Och jag älskar hela Jared/Wanda/Mel kyssen. Jared kysser verkligen Mel, inte Wanda. Han kysser kvinnan han älskar, och inte själen som invaderat hennes kropp.
Och hur han är den enda som kan få Mel att hitta tillbaka.

"I need you to kiss me, Ian. Now, please."
Ian's jaw fell slack. "You... what?"
"I'll explain in a minute. This isn't fair to you, but... please. Just kiss me."
He closed his eyes as he leaned toward me, and automatic thing. His lips pressed lightly against mine once, and then he pulled back to look at me with the same worried expression.
"No, Ian. Really
kiss me. Like... like your trying to get slapped. Do you understand?"
"No.  What's wrong? Tell me first."
I put my arms around his neck. It felt strange; I wasn't at all sure how to do this right. I pushed up on my toes and pulled his head down at the same time intil I could reach his lips with mine. I felt the stone wall touch my back, press against it. He used it to bind me even closer. There was no part of me that wasn't fused to part of him. It was just the two of us, so close that we hardly counted as two. Just us. No one else. Alone.

"Why does Ian think I have to kiss you?"
"Not kiss
me," I said, my voice so faint I could barely hear myself. "Kiss her. Nothing upset her more than when you kissed us... before. Nothing pulled her to the surface like that."
"You think, if I kiss her...?"
His cheek pressed against mine, the skin burning where we were connected, and he whispered in my ear.
"Melanie. I know you're there. Come back to me."
He tried to kiss me softly. I could tell that he tried. But his intentions went up in smoke, just like before.
There was fire everywere, because he was everywere.
He pulled his mouth free and pressed his lips to my ear again.
"Melanie Stryder!" It was so loud in my ear, a growl that was almost a shout.
"You will not leave me. Don't you love me? Prove it!
Prove it! Damn it, Mel! Get back here!"
His lips attacked mine again.
Ahhh, she groaned weakly in my head.
"NO!" she shouted trough my lips.
"Mel? Mel!"
"What are you
He groaned in relif. "I know you could do it! Ah, Mel!"
He kissed her again, kissed the lips that she now controlled, and we could both taste the tears that runned down his face. She bit him.
Jared jumped back from us, and I slid to the floor, landing in a wilted heap.
He started laughing. "That's my girl."

Och jag har hittat en perfekt Jared.
Jensen Ackles heter han.
Typ perfekt.

Men nu ska jag sova.
Fast jag måste skriva citat också.


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