Alona [On kissing Jensen] - He's a professional. Jensen. And we're doing a job. And when it comes to making things look pretty on screen, my god, he's the guy to go to. Cause he made it look pretty. All we cared about... Because, I'm like, "I'm dying here, can you make it look good?" Not a problem.
Fan - Jensen kind of admitted that he believes that Lisa was the person that Dean was meant to be with. Do you believe that Jo and Dean would have ended up together, if Jo hadn't died?
Alona - I think that if Jo and Dean actually had an relationship, they would strangle each other.
Jag älskar Alona's skor i den där intervjun. Eller ja, på hela conet.
Och jag tror jag kollat på alla Matt Cohen videos från New Jersey nu.
Han är så söt.
Matt - That Impala is... I love how people call it the third main character. It truly is. I mean, it's who John is. It's who Sam and Dean are. Their call tells the story. To have the chance to work on a few episodes and drive the icon of Supernatural... That felt weird. And I got to like, in the scene on the last episode I did, I was like speeding down to the ranch. There wasn't a double driver. They let me go down that dark road, and I got everybody in the car, and I was like *makes the sound of a car driving fast*. "Slow down, Matt." "I'm driving, shut up."