Baby, walk with me
Jag hade tråkigt, så startade ett av mina gamla favoritavsnitt av spn.
Det ligger fortfarande högt uppe, och kanske tilloch med i topp fem.
Men favoritavsnitten byts liksom ut för varje säsong.
Swan Song ligger just nu som nummer ett.
Men nu kollade jag på What is and what should never be med Kripke's kommentarer.
Han fick mig att skratta, gråta och tänka på saker jag inte tänkt på förut.
Här är några av favorit kommentarerna:
Studio, by the way, wanted a sex scene here. But I couldn't do it. And a lot of viewers have probably cursed me for not doing it, but I couldn't find a way. Because she has to go to work as a nurse, she has to go to the hospital. So it's not like she's going to be late for her job so she can bang her boyfriend. And I just couldn't justify it. That's like a bad nurse.
And Jensen just - again, this is one of the treats working with him – shows up on set, you know, kind of burns through one take to get into it, and I think it was the second or maybe third take where he just knocks this out and gives it with such emotion. He does this unbroken take, and you know how effective he is when you turn into other members of the crew and they're like grips, you know. They're like truckers basically, and they're crying. And they are wiping away tears, like “shut up man, I got something in my eye.” And that is an estimate of how good this guy is. The emotion he is able to tab into the scene, and he and Jared both makes the rest of us look good. 90 percent of good film making is casting, and damn did we luck out with these guys.
This scene breaks my heart, and the idea to play this scene as, not as a a scary moment, you know, but the climax of this episode becomes this emotional moment where they say to Dean “Yes, we know. This is all made up in a mirage, but stay here anyway because it's better.” And what I said to Jensen, and what he brought to the tables, “You so wanna stay man. Like they are making sense to you. You wanna have that last kiss. You wanna feel that last embrace from mom.” Watch this. Look at that. This kid is so good it breaks your heart.
“Of course he can not stay. He is a hero. That's what tragic heroes do.” He is about to shove a bloody knife in his chest. Which we really made him do. Sacrifice for your art. Paramedics standing on the side. And he pierced his heart, and nine months of recovery later he was back for the next episode.
Haha jag älskar att när han snackar om hela crewet säger han 'guys' men när han snackar om bara J2 så säger han 'boys'.
Jag vet inte om det hänger med från att både Bobby och Ellen kallar dom det, eller om Bobby och Ellen kallar dom det för att Kripke säger det xD
Nej, nu ska jag lägga mig i ett bad och läsa några kapitel i VD.
Sen ska jag äta, och sen blir det att dra till Michaponken.
Ska bowla med henne och Sandra, och sen blir det att sova där också.