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In so many millenia, the humans never did figure love out. How much is physical, how much in the mind? How much accident and how much fate? Why did perfect matches crumble and impossible couples thrive? I don’t know the answers any better then they did. Love simply is where it is.
- Kathy, page 42
You never know how much time you'll have.
- Mel, page 78
“You and I won’t lose each other,” he promises. “I will always find you again.” Being Jared, he cannot be completley serious for more than a heart beat or two. “No matter how well you hide. I’m unstoppable at hide-and-seak.”
- Mel's memories, page 82
Neither heaven nor hell can keep me apart from you, Melanie.
- Jared, page 82
No other host had made me feel such guilt for what I was. Of course, none of the others had stuck around to complain about the situation.
- page 95
Jared was walking towards us, and his face was the same as those of the barbarians in the desert – only it was beautiful rather than frightening in its fury. My heart faltered and then beat unevenly, and I wanted to laugh at myself. Did it matter that he was beautiful, that I loved him, when he was going to kill me?
- page 130
I tried to see him as a stranger and plan my response, or lack of response, accordingly. I tried, but I failed. He was Jamie, he was beautiful, and my arms – mine, not Melanie’s – longed to hold him.
- page 162
Ian sat down on the mat next to Jared. I could see his profile in silhouette, a black shape against the blue light. I noticed that his nose was perfect – straight, aquiline, the kind of nose that I’d seen in pictures of famous sculptures. Did that mean that others found him more bearable than the other brother whose nose was often broken? Or that he was better at ducking?
- page 175-176
Just because she isn’t human, do you think that means she doesn’t feel pain? That she doesn’t feel just like a girl who’s been beaten – beaten by us?
- Ian, page 184
A double heart for a double mind. Twice the pain.
- page 186
Just don’t test me. I haven’t shot anybody in a real long time, and I short of miss the thrill of it.
- Jeb, page 198
“Love you, Mel.”
“She loves you, too. She’s so happy that you’re here and safe.”
- Jamie&Wanda, page 223
How strange that Ian, of all the humans, should have such a surprisningly gentle interior. I didn’t realize that cruelty would seem a negative to him.
- page 241
Her name is Wanda, not it. You will not touch her. Any mark you leave on her, I will double on your worthless hide.
- Ian to Jared, page 289
If you’re in there, Mel... I love you. Even if you’re not there, if you can’t hear me. I love you.
- Jared, page 299
I stared at the face of the man who was about to die – the man who wanted me dead. With him unconscoius, Kyle’s face was no longer that of an angry animal. It was relaxed, almost peaceful.
The resemblance to his brother was very apparent.
- 334
While we were consulting, Jeb had made his own diagnosis. No one paid any attention as he came to stand at the head of Kyle’s cot. No one paid any attention – until he turned an open bottle of water over Kyle’s face.
- page 344
Um, medically speaking, I’m not sure that was the most helpful thing for his condition.
- Doc, page 346
Honestly... The kid is better since you came. I’d sort of forgotten what his laugh sounded like.
- Jared to Wanda, page 368
It’s not the face, but the expressions on it. It’s not the voice, but what you say. It’s not how you look in that body, but the things you do with it. You are beautiful.
- Ian to Wanda, page 388
For you, I’ll lose with grace.
- Wes to Lily, page 398
Ian got up and walked quietly away. I could make no sense of my emotions. In that moment, I hated the body I was bound to. How did it make sense that his going depressed me? Why should it pain me to have the solitude I craved? I wanted the monster back, and that was plainly wrong.
- page 416
Melanie Stryder! You will not leave me. Don't you love me? Prove it! Prove it! Damn it, Mel! Get back here!
- Jared to Mel, page 430
Ian was right behind him. He took one look at my expression, at the tears still running down my cheeks, at Jared’s hand on my shoulder, and then rushed forward and threw his arms around me. He pulled me into his chest. I didn’t know why this made me cry harder. I clung to him while my tears leaked onto his shirt.
- page 491
She was crying, becoming incoherent. Her sorrow brought tears to my eyes. I’d no idea that she cared so much for me. Almost as much as I cared for her. I hadn’t realized that we loved each other.
- Wanda&Mel, page 508
The shortest, the most important, the most heartbreaking of lives. The life that would forever define me. The life that had finally tied me to one star, to one planet, to one small family of strangers.
- page 509
“I should have killed him years ago. No, our mother should have drowned him at birth!”
“He’s your brother.”
“I don’t know why you keep saying that. Are you trying to make me feel worse?”
- Ian&Wanda about Kyle, page 539
Ian glared down at the three of us with such fury that Sunny shivered in terror. It was an odd thing – as if Kyle and Ian had switched faces. Except Ian’s face was still perfect, unbroken. Beautiful, even though it was enraged.
- page 568
You. Are. Not. Leaving. Me.
- Ian to Wanda, page 570
Sa jag några?
Och det där är bara fram till sidan 570 och mitt favoritcitat xD