
Fan - How do you pronounce your baby's middle name?
Misha - Anaximander. The usual way.

Jared - How did you come up with your baby's middle name?
Misha - I spent so many years being upset about the fact that I couldn't get one of those Six Flags keychains with my name on it... I don’t want my kid to be able to have one, either!

Misha [About Jensen and a baby on set] - Jensen was a champ... Do you know he can actually lactate?

Misha - I remember you. You're the one that tries to get me to answer questions seriously and it really pisses me off.

Jared [joking about heights] - Misha's a cute little thing.

Mark Sheppard - There are two types of people in the world: people who are fans of Crowley and the people who should be.

Fan: Let's say the world ended, was starting to end tomorrow... the apocalypse came. What do you think you, as Jared and Jensen... what would your role be? Would you still be... would you be evil Jared? Or would...
Jared: I would... I would turtle. You know a turtle, it would just like kind of roll up. [rolls up] Until, until the loud noises stop.

Och Jensen har tydligen brutit handen. Elller gjort illa den. Det låter inte bra, inte alls. Hoppas Clif ljuger. Fast det skulle vara intressant att se Dean i gips...

Nej fan, jag har inte tid med att läsa citat från ChiCon. Jag måste plugga.


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