Sorry, one more
Jensen sa att han inte skulle komma på ChiCon, men han krashade Jared och Misha's panel (: Han skulle ju bara vara med på photoopsen, men nu är han med i panelen. Yay.
Jag kommer ha mycket nya favoritcitat från mina älsklingar efter ChicagoCon.
Fan: Jensen, you totally just kanye wested me.
Jensen: I'm sorry, my mother would be ashamed.
Jensen - I was getting bored back there.
Jensen - [On Misha saying that his personal heaven is being onstage with J2] That's bullshit.
Fan - We love you, Jensen!
Jensen - Oh, shut up.
Fan: How did Dean feel hearing Cas has a stronger bond with him?
Jensen: I don't know, I'll have to ask Dean.
Jensen: Isn't Twitter a one-sided thing?
Misha: Well, yeah. Like all good relationships.
Jensen - [To Jared] Dumbass.
Jared - [on swan song] Jensen was looking horrible, so awful and then they put all that bloody makeup on him.
Misha - [on Jensen in swan song] It was hard to look at him, it was disgusting. Then they put the makeup on.
Jared: They're yelling at you!
Misha: I know, it's fun isn't it?
Fan - Hi, I'm Jenna!
Misha - Hi, I'm sorry, I didn't ask.
Misha - [about Jared farting in the Impala] We can learn so much from that suffering!
Misha - Cas is one badass fighting motherfucker. But most of the time he's like; Dean, tell me how to kiss a girl.
Misha - I did enjoy beating Jens - eh, Dean up.
Misha - For those who don't know, I am probably a new father.
Jared: In the motel, you were a mess.
Misha: Every scene is in a motel!
Misha: I've never been boo'd off stage before! It was lovely!
Okej, vadå random att dom skjutsade Tom Welling till hans set i baksätet av Impalan när dom spelade in "Asylum"?
Haha och Jared är väldigt stolt över Heart och I know what you did last summer.
Vilket också antagligen är Micha's favoritavsnitt.
Heart - Sam/Madison sexscen
I know what you did last summer - Sam/Ruby sexscen
Haha jag älskar det här twitterinlägget om ChiCon;
Omg fan is complimenting Jared extensively. Misha and Jensen are totally fucking around and talking n taking pics of each other
When they were walking off the stage Jensen walked by Misha and slapped his ass.
Jag kan inte sluta skratta, vilket inte hjälper studierna mycket.
Nu väntar jag på bilder. Det kommer alltid många bilder från Con.
