Good things happen in really messed up ways sometimes.

Tre avsnitt kvar av första säsongen.
Jag förstår inte mig själv.

Jag har hoppats på Cate&Baze sen det första avsnittet, så varför blev jag glad när Cate&Ryan blev tillsammans igen?

Okej, Cate och Ryan är också great, men kom igen! Cate och Baze!
Jag skiter i Idol ikväll. Jag måste se dom sista avsnitten.

Cate [1x10]
- Well, can I at least just tell you something? I never told anyone this before. I never held Lux after she was born. You know, the nurses wanted me to. They kept bringing her in to me, but I knew that if I held her, I’d want her. And I couldn’t let myself, so I pushed her away. And I have done that my entire life with everyone. Until recently. I mean Ryan, I know that you say I have to change but what you don’t realize is that I have changed. I mean I started to change the moment that Lux came back into my life because for the first time I had a possibility. You know, for the first time in my life I saw.. I saw a dream that I wasn’t afraid to want.


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