One year from today
Lite gay, men Bones fick mig att gråta.
Alla bara stack.
Och sista scenen mellan Booth och Brennan...
David i militärkläder. Yummy.
Brennan: Booth, in a week you're going to a war zone. Please, don't be a hero. Please, just don't be you.
Booth: [takes her hand] One year from today we meet at the reflecting pool on the mall. Right by the...
Brennan: ...Coffee cart. I know. One year from today.
Och seriöst, hur orkar Misha fortfarande springa!?
Han har sprungit i över fem timmar nu, och det här skrev han för tio minuter sen:
"I'll be passing through sedro-Woolley, WA in a couple of hours. If anyone lives near-by, I could use some advil."